Elisabeth Rivasseau
Elisabeth Rivasseau
Yoga Therapy - Stress and anxiety management

Stress and anxiety management in yogatherapy

Stress is a part of life.
It can be reduced, but not eliminated.
I suggest you learn how to manage it.


Yogatherapy is the way to find again
our true nature,that space of inner balance
where body and mind become one.

Elisabeth Rivasseau,
Yogatherapy and stress and anxiety management

"Sometimes the most important thing in your day,

is the rest you take between deep breaths"

Etty Hillesum

Balance at your fingertips

Are you looking for a solution to manage your stress and anxiety?
Yogatherapy offers you this possibility!

Whether you are 7 or 99 years old, I will work with you to develop a tailor-made yogatherapy program to reprogram your brain so that you can take control of your life.

Yogatherapy offers concrete answers and tools to help you in your daily life.
These yoga techniques are accessible to everyone. They are simple and effective and touch all dimensions of the being:
- physical
- energetic
- emotional
- mental

You can regulate your stress, overcome your anxiety and find balance,calm, strength and grounding.
Yogatherapy changed my life! I invite you to change yours!


Regain control of yourself in all situations

Regain serenity

Yogatherapy allows you to recover:

- a lost balance
- a sense of security, well-being and peace
- access to one's own inner resources

  • You slowly tame your fears and anxieties
  • You release tension in your body and mind
  • You develop equanimity, patience and harmony

Reprogramming our brain

- When stress or anxiety becomes chronic, the protective mechanisms of the nervous system become blocked.

The age-old tools of yoga offer the opportunity to take back your life:
-reprogramming your brain
you tame your nervous system
- you find yourself again:

  • Serenity
  • quiet
  • concentration
  • strength
  • security

A holistic approach

I accompany you step by step so that you can access your true nature.
Yogatherapy offers you simple and practical tools to reach and develop your inner resources.

Yogatherapy is beneficial for
- the nervous system
- the cardiovascular system
- the endocrine system
- the respiratory system
- the digestive system
- the musculoskeletal system
- the urinary system

In the face of life's ups and downs you become more
- aligned
- grounded
- flexible
- resilient

Testimonials on Serenityoga

Latest testimonials

"When I consulted Elisabeth Rivasseau I was in a difficult personal situation: I had just learned that a loved one was very ill, while I lived thousands of miles away. Very helpless, and without energy in this traumatic situation I asked Elisabeth if she could help me. I knew from her therapeutic and energy work that her yoga therapist approach would allow me to ease my suffering, to regain my energy and my ability to react to this event. I really appreciated Elisabeth's rigour, her competence but also her kindness. She was able to combine movements adapted to my situation with attentive listening to soothe the trauma. I felt a relief from the first session, we had several sessions which allowed me to be present in an adapted way for my loved one, while respecting my need to recharge. Yoga therapy has proven to be a very stimulating approach that respects the person in all their dimensions. Elisabeth is a very attentive and available practitioner who creates trust. "

By Marie

"As a psychologist and psychotherapist I have been able to work together with Elisabeth in the accompaniment of some patients. I can tell you about our work together with a very anxious young girl. After several sessions, it became clear to me that she needed to experience the calming effects of the body in order to silence her ever alert mind. I advised the mother to contact Elisabeth as a complement, in order to encourage a more durable calming and stress management for this young girl. Yoga therapy also allows the release of energies that are otherwise blocked, thus slowing down people's capacity for resilience. It allows to reach blockages that are more difficult to reach by methods based exclusively on verbal exchange. Finally, it makes it possible to bypass the verbal elaboration difficulties of certain people, while relieving them. Elisabeth Rivasseau practises this approach with professionalism and a great deal of humanity. She listens to the needs of the patients, taking into account their history and their sensitivity, and she accompanies them as closely as possible to their needs. Finally, working with Elisabeth as a professional is an enrichment that allows her to deepen her field of intervention for the benefit of people.

By Aude de Villeroché, Psychologist-Therapist-Life coach Soignants dans le Monde

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